Sideways Looks #33: Reflections on 2024/25, also Angela Merkel
Annual thoughts for the year, this time on the themes of Elections, Impunity, Networks, and Random Wisdom.
The Jigsaw Puzzle of AI Auditing (script)
Script I wrote for a DisinfoCon2024 panel on "Auditing generative AI models: identifying and mitigating risks to democratic discourse"
Sideways Looks #31: AI is Boring (Script), also Bears Redux
Hallo from Ljubljana, Slovenia, where I am attending this year's UNESCO Global Forum on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. (If any of...
Sideways Looks #30: 2023/24 Reflections, also Breakfast Habits
The annual stock-take of the year, featuring employment, immigration, and learning good habits.
Sideways Looks #22: Tech Fought The Law, and the Law Lost
Hello, This post is about technology and breaking the law (feat. Elon Musk). It’s a bit depressing, but there’s stuff about Eurovision...
Sideways Looks #10: Should we say 'Whaargh' more often? Also, Elton John
This week - some social science about putting feelings into words
Sideways Looks #7: Invite to a Data Party, also Space
This week - unveiling an 🎉 🖥️ Interactive Election Manifesto Dashboard 🖥️ 🍾.
Benjamin Button and the Deep State: Political Ageing and the End of the World (Nine Dots Prize)
My essay responding to the 2021/22 Nine Dots question "What does it mean to be young in an ageing world?"
Radical Ratchets & Social Sat-Navs: Flexible Routes to Better Worlds
A longform piece, a bit cynical and also a bit idealistic, in response to various claims that Covid will definitely change everything. As...