Sideways Looks #18: Don’t be Scared of Data, also Newsletter News
This week - updates, data, and dogs
Sideways Looks #17: I'm Rebranding, also Berlin
This week, I launch the Data Skills Consultancy
Sideways Looks #16: When Bins Go Viral, also A.I. Theatre
This week - #BinSpace and some sociology of sh*tposting
Sideways Look #15: Are we ruled by Maths? Also, Biceps
This week - from Shakespeare to finance.
Sideways Looks #14: Vaccine Hesitancy, also Texas
This week - worries about calling people stupid, plus I seek your views on online courses
Sideways Looks #13: Can a Computer tell you're Happy? Also, CGI
This week - thoughts on 'sentiment analysis' and turning feelings into numbers.
Sideways Looks #11: Hello from the Floor, also Experiments
This week - thoughts on experiments and creativity.
Sideways Looks #10: Should we say 'Whaargh' more often? Also, Elton John
This week - some social science about putting feelings into words
Sideways Looks #9: Productivity and Perfectionism, also Otters
This week - two stories about work-life balance
Sideways Looks #8: Meet the RandomReader, also Clement Attlee's Cricket Machine
This week - chance encounters in the age of Covid
Sideways Looks #7: Invite to a Data Party, also Space
This week - unveiling an 🎉 🖥️ Interactive Election Manifesto Dashboard 🖥️ 🍾.
Sideways Looks #6: What's the Point of the Past? Also, Fruit Pastilles
This week - a time travel through three chats
Benjamin Button and the Deep State: Political Ageing and the End of the World (Nine Dots Prize)
My essay responding to the 2021/22 Nine Dots question "What does it mean to be young in an ageing world?"
Sideways Looks #4: Learning about Learning, also Birthday
This week - failed revision and a successful pub visit
Sideways Looks #3: Ignore message to avert catastrophe, also Meetings
This week - talking about talking
Sideways Looks #2: Legal Surprises in Germany, also Emails
This week, thoughts on having a much emptier inbox; recommendations about good businesses & meetings; and a fun fact about German law.
Sideways Looks #1: Making Change, also Bears
This week, thoughts about having time to think; pieces about how ideas make change (or not); and a fun fact about bears.