The Day I thought I was getting Deported
Personal rather than work post, about my experiences of migrating to Germany, written a little over a year after I thought I was going to...
Sideways Looks #31: AI is Boring (Script), also Bears Redux
Hallo from Ljubljana, Slovenia, where I am attending this year's UNESCO Global Forum on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. (If any of...
Sideways Looks #30: 2023/24 Reflections, also Breakfast Habits
The annual stock-take of the year, featuring employment, immigration, and learning good habits.
Generative AI: The Disinformation Machine Gun?
Quick thoughts spurred by a really interesting analogy raised by Gary Marcus at the AI UK 2023 Conference. The AI UK 2023 Conference,...
Sideways Looks #28: Twitter’s Latest Bad Thing, also Peanut Butter Rap
Why Twitter - and other platforms - are making it harder to unpack the internet's boxes
Sideways Looks #26: Thoughts on 2022, also Glass Onion
Some things I've learned from moving to Berlin and being a 'solopreneur', and some of my plans for 2023.
Invent-A-Human ChatGPT Tests
In which I use ChatGPT to invent over 250 people, to test it for stereotyping; and discover that ChatGPT loves the name 'Johnathan', is a...
Sideways Looks #22: Tech Fought The Law, and the Law Lost
Hello, This post is about technology and breaking the law (feat. Elon Musk). It’s a bit depressing, but there’s stuff about Eurovision...
Sideways Looks #21: New Year Reflections on Starting a Business
In new year mode, some thoughts on my 2021 experience of leaving employment, going freelance, and starting a business.
Sideways Looks #18: Don’t be Scared of Data, also Newsletter News
This week - updates, data, and dogs
Sideways Looks #17: I'm Rebranding, also Berlin
This week, I launch the Data Skills Consultancy